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Thursday 19 February 2009

Let's get creative!

Posted by Cheng Jie

Now we're all familiar with pedestrian crossings, for e,g, zebra crossings.

No, not A ZEBRA crossing A ROAD T.T

Yes, this kind of zebra crossing

Or one as crazy as this which can be found in Tokyo... I'd hate to be a driver coming to this crossing

So back in Kuching, I came across something I'd like to share with you all.

It's Lunar New Year's Eve.

I was on my way to pick up my uncle with my mum and aunts in the car. Near to my uncle's shop we stopped at a junction.

Now what's special about this junction is that...

...well look at it yourself. See those wavy lines? I assume that it's suppose to be a pedestrian crossing or at least some form of traffic marking o.o

As if drivers aren't impatient enough when it comes to waiting for pedestrians to cross. Painters of those markings had to get cheeky and decide to get creative with their work causing pedestrians to do a sort of "weave" across the asphalt.

Painter 1: I hate this job =(
Painter 2: Why???
Painter 1: It's always straight line after straight line...
Painter 2: Oh, well... *dips paint brush into paint, madly WEAVES it across pavement, looks at fellow painter o.o*
Painter 1: WTF are you doing X.X!!!
Painter 2: o.o

Painter 1: *weaves paint brush across pavement too* =D

Well it just goes to say that, we all need a little creativity and imagination in our lives...