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Tuesday 17 February 2009

A Star is born...

Posted by Cheng Jie

It was an ordinary night...

A night like any other... but what happened on this very night was something simply extraordinary.


Birth of a Star!

Now hold your horses. I don't mean some astrological mambo jumbo. Heck, I couldn't even tell what the above picture is o.o

What I am talking about however is something much more great. Now in the music industry, a new light has come to shine!

Now some of you may have heard of him, but for those of you who don't, let me give you a brief description.

1. He is exceptional on the piano and the guitar.
2. He is an extremely talented vocalist.
3. He has a gifted talent in music arrangement.

Who is this guy you may ask?

Is he from Hollywood? -Not even close.

Bollywood? -Erm.. I wouldn't say so...not exactly?...

Let me lay it down to you. He's closer to home than you really think. Why he resides in this very small country known as... BRUNEI!!!

NO!!! IT'S NOT WU ZHUN!!! This guy that I'm talking about isn't even Bruneian.

Ok..ok... I'll kill the suspense. Why he's no other than...

the very talented...

Shaneel Ruthran Nair

Shaneel Ruthran Nair!!!

Or Shaneel for short.

A friend of mine, he's perhaps one of the most talented singers that I know of. And that's my most honest opinion!

And on this very night itself he approached me with a song he was working on and after listening to it, I was simply speechless.

On this recording was his own version of Apologize by One Republic.

One Republic

And if you ask me, I would say that his version is perhaps just as good as One Republic's maybe even better. No disrespect to One Republic of course. Don't believe me? Why listen to it and judge it for yourself then.

I am proud to announce that will be the first to host this song for your listening pleasure. At the side bar of this blog you can stream his song and have a listen to the stunning melody that is Shaneel.

And with that i present to you, Apologize by Shaneel.

It's too late to apologize~