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Friday, 18 September 2009

Gundams have landed

Posted by Cheng Jie

Although I'm not a local here in this great country of Brunei... I've grown up here perhaps for the majority of my life...

So I guess part of me will always belong to this small humble country... I mean come on... where else can you get oil prices this cheap and enjoy the peace and stability of a great nation?

But perhaps the most awesomest thing that has happened to me... that makes me love this country even more so is this...

Gundams have landed

Our very own country featured in a Z Gundam episode!

Watch out Brunei >.> ...

It's raining Gundams! =O

*Picture courtesy of Fadhli. He found this great gem while watching an episode of Z Gundam. Turns out... they weren't referring to "Brunei" as the country... but well as a name for a spaceship o.o


chris federick said...

heya dropping by, nice blog u have here. keep it up.